Your GP is an invaluable source in helping you to quit smoking. There is a lot that they can offer you from enrolling you in specific clinics, prescribing nicotine replacement therapy including patches and gum, or even medication designed to help you stop smoking such as Champix.
A local service is an option that boasts an impressive reputation in helping you quit. If you seek help there, research shows that you’re up to four times more likely to be successful in quitting. Services are carefully staffed by trained advisers and can offer support in areas all across the country. You can also choose the kind of support that you think would work best for you. Local groups meet once a week or, you can seek one-to-one support. Usually, together with the service, you will agree upon a quit date to work towards and this tends to be a few weeks or so.
Though perhaps daunting, the internet is a very valuable source for finding support if you are short on time or prefer a certain anonymity. A simple search would present a number of options for you to choose from yourself but one popular option you could use would be the NHS Smokefree or Stoptober page on Facebook. Videos, shared experiences and educational information are all shared on this platform and would provide a strong sense of community to support your goals.
This step is one that could be taken in the difficult moments where you find yourself itching to light up once again. It can either be someone you know personally and perhaps are quitting with, your local stop smoking service or even the national helpline. The hope is that in calling your emergency number, the person on the other side will help you find the perspective you need to supress the temptation you are feeling. The number for the national helpline is 0300 123 1044 and advisers are available Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm and Saturday and Sunday 11am to 4pm. In particular, this helpline strives to help you understand and stop these moments of craving.
There is no shame in seeing that at first, self-control alone might not be enough to keep you from cigarettes- their addictiveness is extremely potent and sometimes, you will have a better chance of success by using nicotine replacement therapy. As previously discussed, this is available on prescription from your GP, your local pharmacy or your local stop smoking service.
Every year we undertake an annual patient survey to enable our patients to provide valuable feedback on the services that we provide. The survey, undertaken by all community pharmacies in England, is called the Community Pharmacy Patient Questionnaire. The report of our survey results allows us to identify the areas where we are performing most … Continue reading Community Pharmacy Patient Questionnaire
As October approaches, a lot of the public will be putting down the bottle for charity. Ahead of this trend of sobriety consider what kind of drinker you are, the risks it carries and how you can lower your consumption – without jumping straight to orange juice every night. We are regularly reminded not to … Continue reading Going Sober for October: How do you drink?
Stoptober doesn’t need to be tackled by will power alone. Below, is a small list of areas of support that can help you maintain your goal of becoming free of smoking. By engaging with at least one of these steps you will have greater help, knowledge and accountability as well as a greater chance of … Continue reading Stoptober: Five tips to help you stop smoking
At this important time, start by eating a healthy and varied diet. It is best to get nutrients from the food you eat and keeping your diet healthy will help you to get most of the vitamins and minerals you need. Below, a range of vitamins and nutrients will be explained from Folic Acid to … Continue reading Pregnancy and the nutrients you need
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) define stress as “the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures and demands”. It can manifest itself in multiple symptoms including: heart palpitations, a dry mouth, headaches, unusual aches and pains and a loss of appetite for food and sex. Research from the HSE indicates that in 2014/15, 40% … Continue reading Stress and Working Life
The Royal College of Psychiatrists states that one in five people suffer from an unusual amount of tiredness, but why does it happen? And, what can be done to prevent it? Dr Rupal Shah, a South London GP has revealed that it is one of the most frequent queries she encounters: “I see loads and … Continue reading The Reasons and Remedies for Tiredness